Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Your Gut Feeling

Just watched The Sentinel. Not the edge of your seat thriller that I was expecting, but then again what should I expect lately from Hollywood? One could even describe the current trend in Hollywood as “banal”.

However there is a shining moment, something that makes you go, “Hmmmmmmmm”. Early in the movie, when David Breckinridge (Kiefer Sutherland) and Jill Marin (Eva Longoria) arrive at the scene of an agent's murder, Breckinridge lectures a police detective: "The problem with a gut feeling is that the only evidence you see is the kind that supports your gut feeling."


Anonymous said...

Wow,this is an awesome blog. I want to encourage you to keep it up and always to strive for the incremental improvements in your practice as you seek performance excellence as exemplified by the Jedi Masters.I did not see the movie but that quote rings very true, we assume too much and seldom take a long and impartial look at the data. Student achievement and other types of data do tell a story, but one must approach it in a systematic and unbiased manner, not letting our predictions cloud the true meaning.

Randee Deich said...

I agree, sometimes our experiences while at time guides our intuition can inhibit the “story”. Unbiased data should either confirm or rewrite the story.

Other data (different from Student data) is often overlooked. If, "The only way to improve student performance is with a competent, qualified teacher", then what teacher data is provided?